**Flash sale $799 up ** 地中海 - 巴塞羅那、羅馬11天


**Flash sale $799 up **   
地中海 - 巴塞羅那、羅馬11天
11 Days Mediterranean-West

Tel:626-382-3623   626-554-0966

Itinerary Map
Day 1  巴塞羅那上船 【Barcelona】
【巴塞羅那】是地中海沿岸迷人的國際化港口。是個繁華的雙語(西班牙和加泰羅尼亞)大都市;博物館,劇院,藝術畫廊和高標準的夜生活區。若說漫步或放鬆身心,最佳地點是“Las Ramblas”,這是一條擁有數十家露天咖啡館的步行街。在這裡,您可以找到花架,書亭和小型市場攤位,出售鳥類和小動物。你還會發現無數迷人的選美大賽,歌手,舞者,木偶戲,人行道藝術家,活雕像以及遊行中的各種古怪小說。附近是'PlaçaReal',擁有眾多酒吧和餐廳,以及'Palau Guell',由加泰羅尼亞建築天才Antoni Gaudi以其波浪起伏的新藝術風格建造。在看過這些景點之後,漫步在'Barri Gotic'的狹窄蜿蜒的街道上,這是中世紀的哥特區,那裡有許多有趣的小吃酒吧和咖啡館。看看Picasso古老的聚會場所'Els Quatre Gats',它經過翻新而不失其波西米亞風情。或者前往海濱的舊巴塞羅那區。這個工人階級區域總是略顯破舊,看起來很邋 - ,現在擠滿了肉菜飯店。新的海灘區從巴塞羅那(Barceloneta)一直延伸到奧運村,比舊的海灘區清潔得多。雖然有些人認為它已經大大清理過,但保持在水面之外可能是明智的想法。幸運的是,海灘本身已經成為眼睛(和耳朵)的盛宴,其巨大而咆哮的海浪。
Barcelona is a charming, cosmopolitan port on the shores of the Mediterranean sea. This prosperous and bilingual (Spanish and Catalan) metropolis measures up to a city such as Madrid: its museums, theaters, art galleries and nightlife area of an impressive high standard. Besides that, this art and design centre has a lot of interesting sights to offer to its visitors. The best place to watch people go by, to stroll or simply relax, is 'Las Ramblas', a pedestrian street with dozens of outdoor cafes. Here, you’ll find flower-stands, book kiosks and small market stalls where they sell birds and small animals. You’ll also find an endlessly fascinating flowing receptacle of pageant-jugglers, singers, dancers, puppeteers, sidewalk artists, living statues and assorted oddballs on parade. Nearby is 'Plaça Real', with plenty of bars and restaurants, and 'Palau Guell', built by the Catalan architectural genius Antoni Gaudi in his undulating art-nouveau style. After having seen these sights, stroll the narrow winding streets of the 'Barri Gotic', the medieval Gothic quarter full of interesting tapas bars and cafes. Check out Picasso’s old hangout, 'Els Quatre Gats', which has been renovated without losing its bohemian charm. Or head for the old Barceloneta section on the waterfront. This working-class area, which was always slightly rundown and scruffy-looking, is now packed with paella restaurants. The new beach area, which runs from Barceloneta to the Olympic village, is much cleaner than the old beach area. Although some people believe that it has been cleaned up considerably, it might be a wise idea to stay out of the water. Fortunately, the beach itself is already a feast for the eyes (and ears), with its huge and roaring waves.

Day 2  瓦倫西亞 【Valencia】
瓦倫西亞】是地中海沿岸充滿活力的國際大都市。它曾經是自己王國的首都,現在是地區首府和西班牙第三大城市。這個城市周圍環繞著橙色的果園和沙灘,享有全年的陽光,已成為一個受歡迎的會議中心。這座城市由羅馬人建立,由西哥特人佔領,並在摩爾人的統治下繁榮。每個文明都留下了它的印記,歷史中心包括一個13世紀的大教堂(La Seo)和Goya的畫作,以及一個輝煌的哥特式15世紀絲綢交換(La Lonja)。然而,該市正在展望未來,現在是歐洲最令人興奮的城市發展項目之一。大約2億美元用於在港口附近建造一個巨大的,未來主義的藝術和科學中心(Ciutat de les Arts I les Ciencies)。瓦倫西亞溫和的氣候是入住的另一個原因。其溫馨的氛圍總是令人愉快和熱情好客。瓦倫西亞意味著商業和文化,電影,戲劇,博物館,音樂和商業。它是工業設計和前衛運動的中心。在瓦倫西亞逗留期間,您還可以享受幾個特殊自然景點的寧靜。 Albufera自然公園位於大海和稻田之間,由兩個河口封閉,是候鳥的天堂和城市的休閒區。沿著Albufera旁邊的海岸是寬闊的沙灘。有宜人的休閒區,人們可以在這裡享受陽光和大海。如果沒有基於肥沃的'huerta'或市場花園以及新鮮的魚類和貝類的豐富地中海美食,那麼參觀瓦倫西亞就不會完整。當地特產之王是米飯,以無限的方式作為國際知名的瓦倫西亞海鮮飯。
Valencia is a vibrant, cosmopolitan city on the Mediterranean coast. Once the capital of its own kingdom, it is now a regional capital and Spain’s third largest city. Surrounded by orange orchards and sandy beaches, the city enjoys year-round sunshine and has become a popular conference centre. The city was founded by the Romans, taken by the Visigoths, and prospered under the Moors. Each civilisation has left its mark and the historic centre includes a 13th century cathedral (La Seo) with paintings by Goya, and a splendid gothic 15th century silk exchange (La Lonja). However, the city is looking to the future and is now home to one of Europe’s most exciting urban development projects. Some $200m has been invested in building an immense and futuristic Arts and Science Centre ( Ciutat de les Arts I les Ciencies ) near the port area. Valencia’s mild climate is another reason to come for a stay. Its warm atmosphere is always inviting and hospitable. Ready to be enjoyed. Valencia means commerce and culture, cinema, theatre, museums, music and business. It is a centre for industrial design and avant-garde movements. During your stay in Valencia, you will also be able to enjoy the peace and quiet of several exceptional natural sites. Between the sea and the rice paddies, closed in by two river mouths, the Albufera Natural Park is a paradise for migratory birds and a recreation area for the city. Along the coast next to the Albufera are broad sandy beaches. There are pleasant recreation areas where people come to enjoy the sun and the sea. No visit to Valencia would be complete without a taste of its ample mediterranean cuisine based on a fertile ‘huerta’ or market garden, and fresh fish and shellfish. The queen of local products is rice, served in an infinity of manners as the internationally acclaimed Valencian paella.

Day 3 帕尔马  【Palma】 
帕尔马是一个度假城市,也是西班牙马略卡岛(马略卡岛)的首府,位于地中海西部。巨大的圣玛丽亚大教堂是一座始于13世纪的哥特式建筑,俯瞰着帕尔马湾。毗邻的Almudaina是一座摩尔风格的阿拉伯堡垒,改建成皇家住所。山顶贝尔弗城堡位于城市西部,是一座中世纪堡垒,拥有独特的圆形造型。帕尔马的大多数主要建筑和古迹都是在阿拉贡王国统治下于1276年至1344年的“黄金时代”建造的。其中最令人印象深刻的是优雅的哥特式大教堂,该大教堂于1230年由阿拉贡国王海梅一世委托。传说在从摩尔人手中夺回马洛卡的途中,Jaime the First的船被一场可怕的风暴击中,他发誓在那一刻,对圣母玛利亚来说,如果他幸存下来,他会以她的名义建立一座教堂。他兑现了他的承诺但是花了一段时间。大教堂直到1601年才完工!您会发现马略卡岛的人们非常迷人,因为他们的经历使他们能够完善好客的艺术。因此,放松并享受这个独特的多元文化岛屿 - 您将掌握在专业人士手中。
Palma is a resort city and capital of the Spanish island of Mallorca (Majorca), in the western Mediterranean. The massive Santa María cathedral, a Gothic landmark begun in the 13th century, overlooks the Bay of Palma. The adjacent Almudaina is a Moorish-style Arab fortress converted to a royal residence. West of the city, hilltop Bellver Castle is a medieval fortress with a distinctive circular shape. Most of the major buildings and monuments in Palma were constructed during the "Golden Age," between 1276 and 1344 under the rule of the Kingdom of Aragon. Among the most impressive is the graceful Gothic Cathedral, which was commissioned by King Jaime I of Aragon in 1230. Legend has it that on his way to recapture Mallorca from the Moors, Jaime the First's ship was struck by a terrible storm, and he vowed at that moment, to the Virgin Mary, that if he survived he would erect a church in her honor. He made good on his promise but it took a while. The Cathedral wasn't completed until 1601! You will find the people of Mallorca are quite charming, as their experiences have allowed them to perfect the art of hospitality. So relax and enjoy this unique multicultural island — you're in the hands of professionals.

Day 4 海上巡航  【Cruising】

Day 5 瓦莱塔 【Valletta】
瓦莱塔】马耳他的首都位于东北海岸,建在Mount Sciberras海角上,伸入海湾中部。是以1565年土耳其围攻马耳他成功立场的大师拉瓦莱特命名的,后来成为圣约翰骑士团的城市和马耳他政府的所在地。在穿越地中海时,沃尔特·斯科特爵士将瓦莱塔称为“绅士为绅士建造的城市”,它是一座保存完好的16世纪城墙,小到几个小时就可以覆盖。在地中海的阳光下不会出汗太多。事实上,这些街道都经过精心布置,以便从港口引入凉爽的微风。海湾分为两个深海港口:东边的大港口和西边的Marsamxett。瓦莱塔是一个粗糙的长方形,位于海岸半岛的顶端,两个方向都只有几百米,因此在其北部,东部和南部被水包围。这座城市以Jean Parisot de la Valette的名字命名,他是骑士医院(耶路撒冷圣约翰骑士团)的大师。拉瓦莱特大师设法打造了第一块石头,但他在完成之前就已经死了。瓦莱塔的大部分装饰都是在La Cassiere大师时期完成的,特别是宏伟的St John's Co-Cathedral。城市建筑的灵感来自意大利文艺复兴时期的规划原则,瓦莱塔是文艺复兴时期最重要的规划城镇之一。它在其高贵的建筑中与欧洲的任何首都相当,而其永恒的美丽和艺术珍品使其成为当之无愧的世界遗产。这里有许多一流的博物馆以及值得参观的历史遗迹。该市的主要通道是共和街。你会发现所有的主要商店和充满个性的街道从这里开始。对于那些对购物感兴趣的人来说,Merchant's Street和Lucia Street是最有趣商品的去处。露西亚街以其精美的银色和金色掐丝珠宝而闻名。 Merchant Street专门提供纪念品,也是大型开放市场的所在地。
If you've ever wondered what sort of prize you'd get for saving Europe, look no further than Valletta. Named after La Valette, the Grandmaster who masterminded Malta's successful stand against the Turkish siege of 1565, Valletta became the city of the Knights of the Order of St John and the seat of Malta's government. While travelling through the Mediterranean, Sir Walter Scott described Valletta as 'the city built by gentlemen for gentlemen'. Today it's a beautifully preserved 16th-century walled city, small enough to cover in a few hours without sweating too much in the Mediterranean sun. In fact, the streets were carefully laid out to channel cool breezes in from the harbour. Situated on the northeast coast of Malta, Valletta is the capital, and is built on the promontory of Mount Sciberras which juts out into the middle of a bay. This dissects the bay into two deep harbours: the Grand Harbour to the east and the Marsamxett to the west. Valletta is a rough rectangle at the tip of a peninsula on the coast, just a few hundred metres across in either direction and thus surrounded by water on its northern, eastern and southern sides. The city was named after Jean Parisot de la Valette who was the Grand Master of the Order of the Knight Hospitallers (Knights of Saint John of Jerusalem). This famed religious order of hospitallers was founded in Jerusalem in the 11th century and made their base in Malta after they were expelled from Rhodes by the Ottoman Turks. During the time of Grand Master La Valette, in 1565, the Knights and the Maltese managed to suppress a siege on the island by the forces of Süleyman the Magnificent, Sultan of the Ottoman Empire in what was to become known as one of history's greatest sieges. Following the siege, the building of the city began in the same year 1565 in order to create a base for the defence of the island. Although Grand Master La Valette managed to lay the first stone, he died before its completion. Most of the embellishments of Valletta were done during the time of Grand Master La Cassiere, especially the magnificent St John's Co-Cathedral. The reign of the Knights of St John eventually came to an end with the successful invasion by Napoleon who occupied Malta on his way to Egypt. A Maltese revolt against the French garrison was the catalyst for the occupation of Valletta by the British in 1800. Valetta is also the spot where the Italian fleet surrendered to the Allies in 1943. Valletta's network of streets is laid out in an orthogonal grid dominated by a main artery which crosses the length of the entire city and opens up into a series of squares at its geometric centre, around the Palace of the Grand Masters. The city architecture is inspired by Italian Renaissance planning principles, and served as an early model of urban design. Valletta is one of the most important planned towns of the Renaissance. It equals in its noble architecture, any capital in Europe, while its timeless beauty and artistic treasures make it a well-deserved World Heritage site. There are a number of superb museums here as well as historical sites that are worth visiting. The main thoroughfare in the city is Republic Street. You'll find all the main shops and character-filled side streets leading off from here. For those interested in shopping, Merchant's Street and Lucia Street are the places to go for the most interesting merchandise. Lucia Street is famous for the exquisite silver and gold filigree jewellery sold there. Merchant Street specializes in souvenirs and is also home to a large open market.

Day 6 墨西拿 【Messina】
【墨西拿】是西西里岛东北部的港口城市,与墨西拿海峡的意大利大陆隔开。 它以诺曼墨西拿大教堂而闻名,拥有哥特式门户,15世纪的窗户和钟楼上的天文钟。 附近的大理石喷泉装饰着神话人物,如Fontana di Orione,雕刻铭文和海王星喷泉,顶部是海神雕像。
Messina is a harbor city in northeast Sicily, separated from mainland Italy by the Strait of Messina. It’s known for the Norman Messina Cathedral, with its Gothic portal, 15th-century windows and an astronomical clock on the bell tower. Nearby are marble fountains decorated with mythological figures, like the Fontana di Orione, with its carved inscriptions, and the Neptune Fountain, topped by a statue of the sea god.


咨询路線**Flash sale $799 up ** 地中海 - 巴塞羅那、羅馬11天


All information above are for reference only. Tacheng Travel reserves the right to amend itineraries and prices without prior notice.2015


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